JavaScript - Intro

I have started to learn JavaScript from scratch and I decided to write a blog to share what I learned in this process.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programmin language that gives behavior to the programs. We give some functionalities to the web pages or mobile application with JavaScript.

Printing output

We start programming with “Hello World!” message. To print out something on the screen is important to write “Hello World” message. We use console.log() function to print out some messages on the screen. We can write “Hello World” message like this:

console.log("Hello World");


JavaScript comments are similar to C-like languages. There are 2 options to write comments in our codes.

Inline Comments

Any text between // is ignored by JavaScript and does not affect the program.

console.log("This message will be visible");
// This line will not be visible

Block Comments

Any text between /* and */ is ignored by JavaScript and does not affect the program.

console.log("This message will be visible");
* This block will not be visible
* console.log("This block will be ignored);


Simply, identifiers are the variable that we defined and is being used in the program. There are some rules that we follow to write proper code. They should be start with letters, underscore(_), or dollar sign(\$). Subsequent characters can be letters, underscore(_), or digits(from $0$ to $9$). Also, there are some keywords and reserved words. These are pre-defined names that defined by JavaScript and you cannot use them as a variable.


Like most of the other programming languages, there is semicolon(;) in JavaScript. At the end of the statement, you put semicolon to identify statement is end. But, you do not need to put semicolon. It is optional as long as the statements are written separate lines.

var a = 12;
var b = 15
// Both of them are valid

Data Types

Like in other programmin languages, there are some data types which grouped into primitives and objects. All primitives are immutable meaning that they cannot be changed after defined them. These primitive data types are:

Number Data Type

It represents both integer and float numbers.

MAX_VALUE: The highest number in the JavaScript. Its value is 1.7976931348623157e+308. Number.MAX_VALUE gives you this number.
MIN_VALUE: The smallest number in the JavaScript. Its value is 5e-324. Number.MIN_VALUE gives you this number.

Symbolic Numbers

Infinity: This is any number divided by 0 or an attempt to multiply MAX_VALUE by an Integer which is bigger than 1.
-Infinity: This is any number divided by -0 or an attemp to multiply MAX_VALUE by an Integer which is smaller than -1.
NaN: Not-a-Number. It is a number which denotes the unrepresentable number like complex numbers.

String Data Type

String is similar to other languages. You can use "" or '' for string.

var a = "Sample String";
var b = 'Other string';
// Both of them are valid

Also, you can print out the single or double quotations. "'" evaluates ' and '"' evaluates ".

console.log('"Hello" World');   // "Hello" World
console.log("'Hello' World");   // 'Hello' world

Moreover, string is immutable in JavaScript. So, you cannot modify the string after declaration. However, you can do some operations over the strings like substring or concatenation.

Boolean Data Type

Like other programming languages, there are two boolean value, true and false.

Symbol Data Type

It is new to JavaScript. A Symbol is a unique and immutable primitive value.

Null Data Type

It is a primitive data type that represents the absence of any object value. If a variable contains no valid number, string, boolean, array, or object, it contains null.

Undefined Data Type

If a variable does not exists, or has been declared but has never had a value assigned to it, the undefined value is returned.

typeof Operator

We can use the typeof operator to learn a variable’s type.

var a = "sample string";
console.log(typeof(a));     // prints out "string"

var b = 12;
console.log(typeof(b));     // prints out "number"

var c = true;
console.log(typeof(c));     // prints out "boolean"

Dynamic Typing

Sometimes we want to change the variable’s type during the program. We use dynamic typing for this purpose. Once we defined a variable, we can change the value with different type.

var a = 1;
console.log("a is: " + a);
console.log("a's type is: " + typeof(a));
// a is: 1
// a's type is: number

a = "sample string";
console.log("a is: " + a);
console.log("a's type is: " + typeof(a));
// a is: sample string
// a's type is: string


JavaScript is a case-sensitive language which means that sampleVariable and samplevariable are not the same variables. Also, you cannot use reserved word.


In other languages, there is type casting. But, in JavaScript, there is not such a feature and you need to use coercion. It means that one of the data type is being converted or coerced and performs the operation. The rules are:

Unary Operator

It is the same as in C-like languages. ++a or a++ is valid.

Binary Operator

There must be two operands and one operator. For example, a + b = c.

Ternary Operator

It is conditional opeator. a ? b : c is a basic form. It means that if a is true, b is returned, if not true, c is returned.

Arithmetic Operators

Addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(*), division(/), remainder(%), exponention(**) are the same as in the other languages.

Equality Operator (==)

It compares two operands and return true if they are equal. Otherwise, it returns false. But, there is a different rule apart from other languages. If you try to compare two operands which has the different types, JavaScript applies the strict comparison. For example,

console.log(1 == 1);                // True
console.log(1 == "1");              // True
console.log(1 == '1');              // True
console.log(1 == true);             // True
console.log(1 == null);             // False
console.log(1 == undefined);        // False
console.log(undefined == null);     // True

Inequality Operator (!=)

It compares two operands and return true if they are not equal. Otherwise, it returns false. If you try to compare two operands which has the different types, JavaScript applies the strict comparison. It converts the appropriate type. For example,

console.log(1 != 1);                // False
console.log(1 != "1");              // False
console.log(1 != '1');              // False
console.log(1 != true);             // False
console.log(1 != null);             // True
console.log(1 != undefined);        // True
console.log(undefined != null);     // False

Object Comparision

While comparing two objects, JavaScript looks at the memory address of the objects. If the adresses are different, so objects are different.

class SampleObject {

    constructor(a) {
        this.a = a;

// These are different object
// Their memory addresses are different
var object1 = new SampleObject(12);
var object2 = new SampleObject(12);

// object1 reference set to the object2
object1 = object2;

Strict Equality (===)

If the operands are strictly equal and has the same type, it returns true.

console.log(1 === 1);               // True
console.log(1 === "1");             // False
console.log('1' === 1);             // False
console.log(0 === false);           // False
console.log(0 === null);            // False
console.log(0 === undefined);       // False
console.log(null === undefined);    // False

Strict Inequality (!==)

If the operands are strictly not equal and has not the same type, it returns true.

console.log(1 !== 1);               // False
console.log(1 !== "1");             // True
console.log('1' !== 1);             // True
console.log(0 !== false);           // True
console.log(0 !== null);            // True
console.log(0 !== undefined);       // True
console.log(null !== undefined);    // True


Functions are similar to other languages, but there are some differents in some usages. Functions are declared with function keyword and it is a Function object property. By default, functions return the value undefined. If you want to return something different, you need to return any other statement with return keyword. A function example,

function multiply(x, y) {
    return x * y;

Also, we can define function expressions like anonymous function. Function names are omitted. Here is a example,

function main() {

    var addition = function(x, y) {
        return x + y;


Also, we can define named functions. These can be property of the variable or reference of the variable. Example,

function main() {

    // Named function --> As a property of the math variable
    var math = {
            function divide(x, y) {
                if (y != 0) {
                    return x / y;
                } else {
                    return 0;


    // Named function --> Referenced by the div variable
    var div = function divide(x, y)  {
        if (y != 0) {
            return x / y;
        } else {
            return 0;

    console.log(div(10, 5));

var, let, and const

There some different ways to define variables in JavaScript and there are some minor differences between them.


We use var to define variable. It creates a local variable that is accessible in declared scope. It will not be visible out of the declared scope. Also we can change its value after defined it.

function main(input) {

    var a = input;

    if (a % 2 == 0) {
        var a = input + 1;
        console.log(a);     // a = 12

    console.log(a);         // a = 12

// input = 11

In this example, input is 11 and we defined a in function scope. When if block is executed, we initialized the a again and incremented by 1. a value is still 12 after if block because if block is in function scope. Function includes if block.


We can also use let keyword to define a variable with limited scope. Once we defined the variable, it is only accessable from this scope. When we try to access the variable from out of the scope, we cannot access.

function main(input) {

    let a = input;

    if (a % 2 == 0) {
        let a = input + 1;
        console.log(a);     // a = 12

    console.log(a);         // a = 11
// input = 11

In this example, firstly, we created a and assigned to input. In if-block, we declared again and assigned input+1. So, our output is 12 for the first one. When we go out of the if-block, a is still 11 and output will be 11. That’s because our a variable which has 12 is defined in if-block and it is valid in if scope. Also, we cannot re-define a variable in the same scope. If we try to define a variable again, it will cause an Error. Below example is invalid and error will be occurred.

function main(input) {
    let a = 12;

    // This line will be caused error
    let a = 13;


We can only define once and cannot be reassigned with another value in const variables. Also, const variable should always be initialized. Otherwise, error will be occurred.

function main() {
    const a = 12;

    const b;    // This wrong because it not initialized